As you know, our LID provides flood protection from the 100-year flood event on the Brazos River. The District operates and maintains a levee, storm water pump stations, drainage ditches, and detention ponds. The only source of funds to construct, operate, and maintain the system is through tax dollars paid by the residents and commercial properties within LID 11.
Through careful planning and preparation, as well as a little bit of luck, LID 11 weathered Hurricane Harvey without any loss of property. Even though the District fared well, after Hurricane Harvey, the directors and consultants for LID 11 reviewed the overall system to determine what improvements could be made to the system which would provide additional protection for future events.
After reviewing the possible improvements, the directors determined the projects that would be implemented. In order to fund the costs of the design and construction of these improvements, the District sold $13,850,000 in bonds. Below is a brief summary of our drainage system and new projects to improve flood protection, as well as a description how we pay for these new improvements.
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